Why do musical instruments hold an important place?

Music is said to be food for the soul. It is true indeed. If you have a heart for some specific kind of music, then you would know. Music can make you feel light, relaxed, and peaceful and it doesn’t mean that you just have to listen to the soft, romantic, or sad melody. It depends on your mood, your personality, and your taste, that what kind of music energize you and makes you feel relaxed. It could be jazz, pop, soft, romantic, encouraging, or even unplugged. My personal favorite is the melody of the flute and violin. I love listening to romantic, inspiring, and also pop music. Drumbeat music is one of my favorites too.

The point is, that learning to play a musical instrument can be challenging, but interesting and it could also be a positive and cognitive hobby. These kinds of hobbies are good for your kids. Just like our body muscles need strength and we go to the gym and keep a healthy and proper diet to keep our body fit. That’s what we need for our brain. Our brain is the most important muscle of our body which needs food, proper care, and strength. So you need to keep your mind with healthy activities. Some people play challenging puzzle games too. But when it comes to learning a musical instrument, it can help keep your mind active and playful. There is more to it. If you want to know more about musical instruments, just keep reading.

Different types of musical instruments:

In its own right, the classification of musical instruments is a subfield. To date, musical instruments have been classified in a plethora of ways. Music instruments can be classified in different ways, such as by their useful range, their size, their function, or even the materials they're made of.

To master musical instruments, you must become familiar with all of the different sorts of instruments. Musical instruments, even if you're not interested in playing them, are an amazing experience.

Here are few categories of musical instruments:

      Wood wind instruments

Wind instruments, as the name suggests, use air as a medium to produce a variety of pitches and intensities of sound. Applied physics principles such as wave propagation and other related ideas guide the design of these instruments.

For a specific type of sound, all you have to do is blow into the musical instrument in a predetermined sequence to achieve it. This type of gear is based on the fundamentals of sound waves, resonant frequencies, and harmonics.


When you play an instrument's strings with a plectrum or bow or simply bare fingertips, the instrument produces a sound or a tune.

Examples include guitar, harp, and violin.

      Percussion instruments

When it comes to percussion, you might think just of drums, but many other musical instruments make up this varied range of instruments. Percussion is a musical instrument in which the sound is created by striking or beating the instrument. This creates a sound that resembles a musical note. This instrument has both unpitched and pitch-pitched options.


Since the dawn of time, the flute has been employed to produce high-pitched sounds. Wood and hollow reeds like bamboo, stone, or clay were used in its construction at first. Flutes today are constructed from precious metals like silver, gold, and platinum, rather than wood.

Benefits of musical instruments:

Learning a musical instrument can be beneficial in many different ways. If you want to know more about how musical instruments can be beneficial for you, take a look at these pros of learning a musical instrument:

1.      Better memory

It's not only about learning a new skill or expanding your creative repertoire; mastering an instrument is also a great way to improve cognitive processes like your memory. Maybe 'a musician never forgets' should be the new catchphrase?

2.      Sense of responsibility

You'll acquire time management, organizational skills, and a new sense of responsibility when you have to clean and maintain an instrument regularly, attend lessons at specified times, and give up some of your evenings and weekends to perform.

3.      Better social life

Playing an instrument is a terrific way to meet new people and make new friends (sorry, pianists and organists). Getting involved in a musical group might help you meet new individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Leadership and team-building abilities are also developed, and the benefits of working with others are demonstrated.

4.      Stress Reduction

A recent study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information found that listening to music can reduce stress levels. Volunteers were divided into three groups for the experiment. Each group received a distinct stimulus before being exposed to a stressor. A rippling body of water serves as the background noise for Group 2, whereas for Group 3 there is silence. After that, their stress levels were tested. It has been found that listening to relaxing music before a stressful event greatly reduces levels of cortisol (the stress hormone).

5.      Explains the importance of patience

The highest attribute of a happy life is patience. Playing a musical instrument necessitates dedication, which might take months, even years, to perfect. Among its many benefits is teaching young people that the more work they put into anything, the better the outcome will be. In addition, taking music lessons teaches kids how to develop and achieve goals. To learn a specific note and a new song with a variety of notes, they will be able to set both short-term and long-term goals.

Final thoughts:

If you want your kids to spend more time in physical and cognitive activities, rather than excessive screen time, then buy them a musical instrument. The one they show interest in, and you will see their developing cognitive skills, improved memory, and increased interest in other activities and hobbies instead of screens and gadgets. Happy musicals J