9 Unique Ways You Can Use a Coffee Maker (Other Than Making Coffee!)

The coffee maker, oh my! It is indeed our sleep rescuer as the first thing we crave every morning, since what smells greater than a batch of freshly made coffee? However, this unique kitchen appliance also warms the water to roughly 200° and has a space heater to retain the coffee's heat which makes it extremely multi-utility. Whilst the coffee maker may have always appeared like the quintessential one-use appliance in the kitchen, capable only of providing your daily dosage of caffeine and little more, this basic equipment has so much more potential than you may have realized. Even though most people with a burner, microwave, grill, and oven just wouldn't consider using their coffee maker to create a plate of food, it can come in handy when there aren't any other options.

World Nutella Day #Nutelladay - Coffee Machine Cuisine | How to cook  pancakes, Cooking, Cooking inspiration

The following easy suggestions and tactics can help you grow your coffee machine from just a single-use appliance into a multi-dimensional culinary powerhouse, even if you're striving to prepare a home-cooked meal in what seems like a kitchen-less room in the hotel, hostel, or just want to test the boundaries of this ordinary gadget. Here are some tips as well as recipes you can go for!

9 Ways You Can Use a Coffee Maker

  1. Melt chocolate without creating a mess: Double boilers are definitely a mess. A coffee maker's medium heat setting is ideal for melting chocolate. Simply put a few chocolate chips in some kind of a metal measuring cup and warm it up. After the chocolate has liquefied, the coffee maker will retain it at the proper temperature and texture for several hours. Make it as a dipping for fruits, peanuts, and perhaps other munchies, or simply use it to liven up handmade delights!
  2. Warm-up baby milk: The perfectly moderate temperature of coffee makers makes them perfect for heating up baby milk. Do you have a baby that chooses a warmed-up bottle of milk when travelling? By heating a pot of boiling water, removing the carafe from the stove, and setting the bottle within, you may bring a full baby bottle to a required temperature. Remove the pot from the heat, stir the liquid, and check the temperature every few moments till the milk reaches the desired temperature.
  3. Cook bacon: Prepare a homemade cooking pot by overlaying the coffee maker's thermal surface with an aluminum foil to roast bacon with the heat it produces. Divide your bacon into smaller parts that would fit on the coffee maker's base, place these on the pre-heated tinfoil, and flip when one part is golden and crunchy. Morning sausages and pork can also be prepared in this manner.
  4. Fish poaching: Tuna and every other fish with a comparable texture, cooks very well in water heated to a near boil in a coffee maker. Simply season a piece of fish with just a little olive oil and spices in the carafe, then pour a few glasses of water through the maker. Allow the fish to remain in the broth for about 10 to 15 minutes, or until it is completely poached.
  5. Prepare instant foods: Making meals that only require hot water is among the most practical food-related uses for your coffee maker. Instant noodles, quick mac and cheese, instant porridge, and other meals fall under this category. Fill the coffee maker's pitcher with water and ensure the brewing filter is clear. To raise the temperature, do a brewing cycle and then transfer the boiled water from the carafe to the food product.
  6. Boil your eggs the perfect way: Putting fresh eggs in the pot and turning on the coffee machine are the only two steps to this simple operation. Add quite enough water to submerge the crowns of the eggs, allowing the warmth to remain focused and the eggs to boil sooner. Even though this approach will take a long time to thoroughly boil your eggs, it will suffice in a hurry. Begin by boiling a sample egg for 15 to 20 minutes and inspecting it to see whether it's ready, as the boiling time will vary depending on the voltage of your coffee machine. You may use the same time for the remainder of your eggs after you've determined the right boiling time for the machine. It's worth noting that as more eggs are put in the boil, the longer they take to boil.
  7. Make boiled food: Just like eggs, you may also use the coffee maker to cook ingredients like rice and oats, which require some time to prepare meals in water. Simply take the food in the coffee pot, start a brewing cycle to pour boiled water in the pot, and wait till the food is ready as per your satisfaction.
  8. It's pancake time!: That small thermal plate, as it comes out, heats up enough just to make a batch of handmade pancakes! To maintain the heating plate clean, carefully cover it with tinfoil/aluminum, next pour a little scoop of pancake batter. Sit tight until little bubbles appear on the batter's top. Flip to complete the opposite side once the corners appear to be set and lightly cooked.
  9. Steam your veggies: If you really like broccoli, potatoes, brussels sprouts, or any other vegetable, you can prepare everything with the aid of this little gadget. Instead of putting your veggies in the coffee pot, put them on the filter holder where the coffee beans usually go. Finally, load the coffee pot till its brim and switch on the coffee maker, enabling the steaming hot water to pour all over the veggies and provide mild steam.

Make soft-boiled eggs in your coffee pot. | Kitchen appliances, Coffee pot, Coffee  maker

At the end of it all, do not forget to thoroughly clean up your coffee post because you’ll be needing it for coffee the following morning! Have fun and never stop experimenting with food. Have a look at some of the best coffee makers in the market right here!